Enclosed is a portion of the documents recovered from an Umbrella Corporation laboratory deep beneath the former site of Raccoon City. They appear to be entries from one of the employee's personal journals. Sensitive materials (names, dates) have been omitted due to the highly classified nature of the content within.
[name omitted], from the Raccoon City division, finally retired earlier this week. There has been a lot of commotion over who could be promoted into his position. Kinda silly, really, since nobody here even knows what they do over in that podunk town. Something about gene research? I dunno, but I DO know that it pays a lot better than this job!
I decided that it might be fun to try for that promotion. I've been working really hard on this new cough syrup formula. Testing shows some tremendous improvements with little side effects! Maybe this could be my ticket into the Raccoon labs...?
Finally settled into the new labs. I still can't believe that a simple cough syrup got me here! I was sure that that one nasty side effect would get it rejected, but they didn't seem to mind all that much...
Not sure if I should be talking about this here, as this is some highly classified work, but a few of my coworkers have been keeping journals of their work, so I figured it couldn't be all that bad. Turns out this branch has been doing some amazing research! I've been put onto the team researching the "T-Virus." As it stands now, the virus is a very nasty little thing that quickly kills its host, but we've been tinkering with it, and it also seems to have some amazing regenerative properties! Our hope is to turn it into a healing aid. I'm very excited to be doing some really good work here!
[name omitted] has been tossing around the idea of turning the T-Virus into a kind of symbiote instead of a healing ointment. Basically, the virus would live peacefully with the human body, while giving a constant regenerative boost. Imagine the possibilities! Construction workers not losing their livelihood in the event of an accident. Soldiers being able to take a shot to the chest and still make it home to their families. [name omitted] is skeptical of this idea, but then again, she's skeptical of everything unless a pile of evidence is shoved under her nose.
I've been talking to [names omitted], and they've been hearing some scary rumors. Rumors about the T-Virus being used to develop living weapons. That sounds absolutely preposterous to me! We've only been improving the virus for good, to help people. I can't see how they could possibly create weapons out of it!
I've been hearing that a prototype T-Virus sample was leaked in the Arklay Mountains labs. The stories say that it turned everyone into zombies. Honestly, now. I think everyone is just on edge ever since that [name omitted] guy showed up. Yes, the leak happened, and the virus had some bad side effects in that early stage of development, but zombies? Really?
One of the higher ups, [name omitted], managed to modify the T-Virus into something horrible. He calls it the "G-Virus," and it apparently causes monstrous mutations! Yes, in some cases, the T-Virus makes its hosts grow to abnormally large sizes, but it's nothing quite like what this abomination does. It makes me sick to think that all my good work could be turned into something like THAT.
Turns out all my work's been a lie. They didn't want my cure, they wanted my disease. At first, the T-Virus' healing properties were the true focus of our research, but then they became much more interested in our failed experiments. They really WERE making living weapons, and of course, a good weapon will always get a higher bid than a miracle cure. The only thing I can do now is perfect the formula, so at least some good can come of this. We're so close...
The fools have done it now. The G-Virus has been leaked into the city. I don't know how, but the symptoms are starting to show themselves in the citizens. I can't stay any longer. The T-Virus program has been abandoned. It seems they got what they wanted, so they shut us down. [names omitted] seem to have caught the virus too. There's nothing here for me anymore. I've got to escape befo
End of document.
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