Apr 3, 2010

And now, a mundane revelation.

I have recently discovered why I like Avenged Sevenfold. It's not their mostly terrible lyrics. Its not the lead singer that sometimes puts on his whiny emo-voice. Its not the fact that every single one of their songs trails off into some completely different nonsense, not unlike Grandpa telling you that he needs to go to the store, only to go off on a tangent about how hamburgers used to cost a nickel.

Its because they sound like they're playing Mega Man music.

Seriously. Go here and start listening at the 2:15 mark. Now imagine that as a chiptune and tell me it does not sound like yet another awesome BGM for a Wily Castle 1 stage.

Speaking of revelations, I have also made one in reference to the fact that it's been over a month since I've last posted here.


Yeah, I'm gonna get right on fixing that. See, I was gonna just back-to-back my Silent Hill posts, but that damnable Daystar has been hanging around more and more recently, eating all my chips and crashing on my couch with no real regard for my feelings on the matter. This obviously creates a problem when you remember that one of my Silent Hill playing rules requires it to be dark when I play. So I basically haven't touched Silent Hill 2 ever since a little before DST kicked in.

Fuck you, Summer.

Now, since I don't want to wait half a year to finish Silent Hill 2, I guess I'll have to lift my darkness rule. Which sucks, because its gonna hamper the atmosphere, but oh well. better that than me leaving James in that prison until October.


  1. Step 1) Acquire aluminum foil.
    Step 2) Ditto Duct tape.
    Step 3) Combine and apply to windows
    Step 4) DARKNESS

  2. Now I must ponder the question if I am crazy enough to foil up my playing room so I may more effectively pretend I am someone slowly descending into madness and paranoid delusions.

    ...Maybe if I fashion a matching hat...
